Friday, January 26, 2007

I am wondering what the consensus is about a girl going out alone. It's Friday afternoon, and my few available friends are out of town. And yet, the prospect of the THIRD FRIDAY IN A ROW sitting at home alone is almost enough to make me cry sitting here at my desk.

Not looking for a pity party, but I am in serious need of martini therapy. It gets boring sitting at home. BUT I'm not sure about going out alone...can people tell you are alone or do you try to blend? Do you approach others or wait to be approached? What about when approached by super-creepy guys? Are you giving off the wrong impression (i.e. I want to be approached by creepy older men) just by sitting alone at the bar?

Why is it that men can go to the bar alone all the time and no one thinks of it? I would feel incredibly self-conscious, like I was being judged: "Why is she alone? Doesn't she have any friends?"

Clearly the fact that I am debating this in my head and on my computer doesn't bode well.


Carrie M said...
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Carrie M said...

sorry i'm just seeing this now, hon. it's been suggested to me to go to a restaurant that has a bar and get an appetizer or something (and of course a drink) and talk to people. situate yourself near people who it looks like you could talk to, male or female.

safety net? bring a book. i've never done it myself, but i know people that have.

Anonymous said...

I've wondered this as well without coming to any conclusion. Though someone told me the other night a girl going to some places alone just says 'desparate'. So ironic that men can go out and be strong whule we are just desparate. =(

Did you go out? If so how did it go?

Rosie Hope said...

Did not grow the cajones in time to make it out. This weekend looks slightly more promising, but we'll see....