Tuesday, April 3, 2007

This moment is my life

Spring has brought with it this year completely new beginnings for me. Let me just preface my news by saying that last year was not a very good year for me. I had HUGE family issues that I won't get into, I lost a few wonderful people that I worked with in a very tumultuous environment, and I had a very extended break-up with my boyfriend of two and a half years, whereby I had to leave the apartment that I loved so much and move into a spare room with no doors (hence rectified) at B.'s house. I've been treading water in my job for awhile, and if you've read my blog at all you know my dating life is nothing to write home about.

All is about to change, though. I have just been offered and accepted a job in D.C. doing Marketing and Communications for a huge association. I will be moving in a month to an unknown location somewhere in the 'burbs of D.C. and starting a completely different life. I know almost no one in D.C., and I'm very likely to get incredibly lost for a few months just about every day because of my inherited bad sense of direction. Scary? Yes. Am I freaking out a lot? Yes. BUT: as Omar Khayyam so wisely advised: "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."

I am finally moving away from the place where I have spent most of my life and making decisions that people would qualify as brave. Sure, I know people move every day. And I moved for college (although, everyone was in the same scary boat there so it doesn't really count all that much). I have wanted to do this for a long time. And this is big for me, because I don't like change. I like comfort and routines and spontaneity only if it involves people I am comfortable with. But I told myself months ago that there was nothing holding me back here in Richmond, and that I really needed to break out and go somewhere with opportunity and lots of young, single, ambitious and fun people. I owe it to myself to at least try. And this is my moment, my time, and I try will be happy about it (as scared as I might be).